Enough blather from me, over to Wolfy

Right Guys,
I have assembled a tournament pack explaining everything there is to know about the Tournament, and how you go about securing a place in it. New prize support is coming in daily, so I will update that in this thread. I am giving priority too (Leeds Night Owl) Club Members, and there are a total of 20 places in the Tournament. Your place can be secured by sending me an email, details of what to provide in the message are in the Tournament Pack.
Non-Club members will need to confirm their place with Payment, Club members do not have to, although it would be great if you could pay in advance to give me a bit of a cushion to purchase some of the prizes with. Payment is accepted via Cheque or Paypal.
The Tournament Pack is available from the link below. If you spot any errors, please let me know ASAP so they can be changed.
Or from here directly:
Thanks again for your support

Thanks for putting this up mate.
If you live locally i can also Accept payment by Cash. Payment on the door is also accepted, yet to nail down a place you will have to pay in advance.
Not a problem, any time!
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