Thanks to all this snow we've suffered from in soggy snowy Devon I've made some progress on most projects that I'm working on - the Plague Marines now number four, three more bodies to get done for the moment and then I'll move onto getting their arms and backpacks done.

Good work so far, different from the usual Guard which must a good thing. Love the colour. Glad your snow is soggy, we haven't had a thaw in Scotland yet and it fell back before Christmas!
Very Nice paintjob there. A World away from the birght colours of the Guard.
Good on you sir!
Lookin' really good.
Thanks guys, it is a change and a very pleasant one from my point of view, I'm really enjoying painting something so different!
Soggy and Slushy Siph, just hoping we can avoid the ice stage a little, it's already nasty enoguh on the roads, hope your thaw comes soon!
nice colour here, really blends well and they aren't too over the top with filth. really nice work
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