As well as my Plague Marines, my fledgling Nurgle CSM army will include a pair of Obliterator's. For one thing the army itself needs some fire support as I've discovered in my early games, and for another - well some groups of the Imperial Inquisition believe that Obliterator's are created by the infection of some form of Warp based Virus - and we all know who loves a good virus...
Though of course it needs a few changes to make it more pleaseing to Grandfather Nurgles eyes!

Sigh, I wish I could sculpt green stuff that well.
Heh HeH Heh! Welcome to Nurgle! Looking good on the Oblits dude!
Hmmmm...Praetorians to Nurgle...Connection? I don't see one ;)
Thanks guys, hopefully the next lot of pictures will come out better!
lol the connection? They're fun!
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