To convert some different Praetorian Officer and Sergeant models.
The Commission -
I've been asked to create a sample of alternative Praetorian Officers and Sergeants for a customer, with further work possible. This is to be a small batch, I've elected to do four seperate models - the customer may or may not want all of them, but I don't see this as a problem - I can always use them myself afterall!
I've selected a number of models/bits from my box of spares, one is starting to take shape already, the other three are roughly cut and ready to work upon. I've got a very clear idea of what I'm aiming for with each already which I'm pleased about as it's always nice to have an aim, so without further text, here are the victims of my snips thus far, sculpting will start shortly!
The first is already starting to take form.

And the other three, before...

and currently.

Very interesting. I'm looking forward to see how these guys shape up, good work as usual mate!
Serious surgery on the loader. Looking forward to seeing how he turns out.
seems a real shame to have cut up that standard bearer but if it creates some unique models then Im all for it and look forward to seeing the outcome. are you painting them for the customer too?
Hello Col.Gravis, Can't wait to see how these shape up - looks like some serious sculpting in front of you. If anyone can pull it off, it is you. Best of luck
Aye, a fair bit of surgery going on with these guys, the Ammo loader is from the face of it at the moment the most challenging, but to be honest it's the ex-standard beaer who I expect to give me the most work as he'll be getting a cloak slung over his missing arm.
Don't fear though King's, even I would'nt cut him up had he been intacted, his Chainsword was already missing, otherwise he'd of been added to my for sale pile.
I won't be painting these chaps either, as a rule I don't take on painting commissions as I struggle to paint my own models, let alone other peoples - at least conversions I enjoy!
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