Friday 7 March 2014

Praetorian Firing Line Sculpt for Curious Constructs

One of the things which perhaps is an iconic idea of the Imperial Guard, and of Praetorians (and Mordians) specifically is the idea of perfectly drawn up ranks of Guardsmen, presenting arms and giving volley fire. The original Praetorian range included the two figures you needed to do this, but of course no longer being in production (and only otherwise available at the massive second hand prices), assuming you can find enough of the right models is a little... limiting.

Its such a cool concept though and demands doing - so thats exactly what I'm doing.

I finished the torso some time ago, but only just got the masters back from the caster, I'm now going to get on with doing the legs (standing and kneeling), and some Sergeant components to go with them! I'm aiming to get these finished for release in April through Curious Constructs. Will drop in some more pics as the sculpts progress.

I've got lots of other bits to preview which should be on sale at the end of this month as well, the masters for these all came back, so now its straight back to the casters for production! The wheel is turning slowly after all the delays the artillery kits caused, but now I'm getting back in my stride!


Da Masta Cheef said...


Ady said...

Well, that's got me interested.

Anonymous said...

Legs you say? Will these legs be compatible with your lifeguard/lancer torsos?

Col.Gravis said...

Anon, they will indeed!

Initially the leg offering will be the two required firing line poses, but there will be more in the future!

Mordian7th said...

Love it! Really looking forward to seeing 'em come together - keep up the fantastic work, mate!

Marshal Argos said...

Looking good! I might just have to pick some of these up. Looking forward to what else you have planned.

Admiral Drax said...


By the way, how far in advance is generally advisable to book you in advance for a Monday night game?

Col.Gravis said...

Thanks chaps!

Admiral, I'll drop you an email, but generally the more the better! If your thinking April, I am going to be away at least a bit over the holiday as well!