And with that the Praetorian Ogryn Squad are complete, it's been a hell of a project, it's taken far longer then I could of imagined but the results are such that I'm really rather pleased with them. I think they're characterful, and fit the theme of a Praetorian unit, but one which is a wee bit on the rough side! I'll actually be quite sad to see them go and it's very tempting to want to get on and create such a unit for my own army - maybe sometime soon, it's not like I hav'nt got enough to get on with already!
Fantastic work, Gravis: I love the headgear in particular! Such a wonderful skill you have, that.
That work is just awesome, just awesome!
I envy your skill to sculpt green stuff so well. The detail of the coats is what draws my eye. Great work here, really nice!
It's amazing to see them all together, really great stuff! I particularly like all the variety you did concerning their uniform, or lack thereof.
Great looking Ogryns! I really like your ripper guns as well -- they really fit the theme.
Too funny, and flawless greenstuffing. Well done sir!
geez your good...
I love what you have done with these plastic Ogres - very well done.
Thanks very much gents! :)
They are very nice. Don´t fustigate because the result is not the way you expected. I tried to do something like this with those same models... And the result was worse, worser! than yours :(
So be proud and paint it!
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