And so it is here once again, Christmas!
There's not much more to say then that for now, beyond that I hope all have a healthy and enjoyable Christmas!
There are more updates on the way from various projects, Praetorian Heads and Ogryns especially however, they will however be sporadic for a while as I'm currently in the process of moving into a new apartment.
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Tournament Report - UK GT Heat 3 (Part 2)
Day two was make or break time, qualification on Generalshop tends to require a minimum of 102 Game Points with a high number of Victory Points, that equates to a minimum of 3 Wins and a Draw out of the six games. A few of Exeter Inquisition players were out of the running, a couple were very well place with at least a couple of wins, so far I sat on 41 Game Points with a win, a loss and a draw.
Game 4 -
Colin Tough #84 - Eldar - Dawn of War, Seize Ground
Colin's army on the face of it was'nt the most nasty out there, Eldrad, a unit of Fire Dragons, two units of Warp Spiders, an Avatar, Wraithlord, a Falcon Grav Tank, and 3 units of 3 Jet Bikes - which of course are the objective takers. He deployed just the Avatar with all but the Jet Bikes comming on turn 1, I meanwhile deployed a combined squad in the center, the Anti-Tank Squad and Command Squad with everything every arriving turn 1 apart from the Roughriders.
I admit I felt quite confident at first, believing I could deal with the Avatar, Wraithlord and the Warp Spiders without too much pain, though accepting that the Falcon with Eldrad and Fire Dragons would cause me some hurt - leaving me to deal with the Bikes. I was rather wrong.
A poor decision in deploying the big Infantry Squad lead to them getting assaulted by the Avatar without it having to take a turn of shooting in full few of my firebase with almost inevitable consequences on the left flank. Meanwhile the Warp Spiders with a perfect Warp Jump made cover by the skin of their teeth also denying me vital shots and giving him cover saves against my big guns, I took a few down but nothing like enough. The Falcon and Fire Dragons did'nt prove quite as painful as I'd feared initially, though the Veterans I'd sent in the hope of stopping them paid a high price on my right, Eldrad fustrated me at every turn with Fortune and Doom meanwhile. With the core of my Firebase disintergrating it became a battle for survival more then anything else, and I did manage to not quite get tabled by a whisker, but was powerless to stop the Jet Bikes from taking the majority of the objectives.
Colin made intelligent use of cover and reserves, which when combined with a few good dice at the right time and a bad deployment choice of my part gave him control of the game almost from the second turn onwards resulting in a well deserved win. It goes to show that a sloppy deployment and a bit of overconfidence can really hurt when the pieces fall into place to take advantage of it, definately a lesson worth learning. He went on to finish 29th overal.
Game 5 -
Ken Goodall #58 - Space Marines - Spearhead, Capture & Control
Last year I came up against Khan on a Bike with my Sisters, and there's a player at the club who uses a White Scar Bike army to devastating effect, until this game I've never seen him used on foot, but with the units in the army I knew this was going to be a tough one. As well as Khan Ken's army included a Librarian, a Scout Squad, a Tactucal Squad with a Razorback, a Terminator Assault Squad in a Landraider Redeemer, a Vanguard Veteran Squad in a Razorback and a small Bike unit with a Multi-Melta Attack Bike.
The Scouts and the Tactical Squad deployed, combat squading with one unit in the Razorback the other in cover on his objective, I carefully placed my own objective as far in the center as I could away from the coming outflank move, using a couple of Infantry Squads to disrupt any assault while my firebase held the center, the Roughriders and Valkyrie with it's Veterans doing in reserve the later outflanking.
My first couple of turns were spent tackling his deployed force, but with good cover I caused few casualties though the Razorback was immobilised and weapon destroyed, then the Landraider showed up with the Terminators and Librarian. The Librarian set about the shielding squads while the Landraider pushed forward - in a commedy which was set to last two or three turns the Librarian fluffed his rolls though I was unable to do anything in return also. In the following turn the Bikes arrived on the other flank threatening my Leman Russ with the Khan and Vanguard Veterans in their Razorback in my deployment zone, while the Terminators set about an infantry squad wiping them out in short order but leaving them exposed. The Valkyrie arrived and deployed it's Veterans to deal with the Bikes which is did quite successfully - bar the Attack Bike which was left on one wound, the Vendetta Veterans disembarked and set upon the Landraider stunning it while the rest of the army laid into the Terminators just about bringing them down with the Roughriders finishing the job, these then took up a defensive position around the firebase to shield them from charge while aided by Khan and the Vanguard Veterans the Librarian was saved from the ongoing combats in which he'd done so poorly - but then so had I!
After a turn hiding behind the Landraider - which was still alive thanks to my inability to roll anything but 1's when penetrating it - the Khan, Librarian and Vanguard Veterans now set about my Firebase, crucially with a combat which continued into my turn, the Librarian was brought down as were a couple of the Vanguard but I just did'nt have enough bodies to halt them - they slowly munched their way forward to my objective, which they eventually contested with the Landraider before finally wiping out all my scoring units in that part of the battlefield. Essentially this left my only chance at a win in dropping the Valkyrie borne Veteran Squad onto his objective and clearing it of marines, unfortuantely there were now two squads there, the depleated first combat squad (one marine) and the fresh second one which had disembarked from their Razorback whiel I'd be concentrating on my objective. The Veterans got in place on turn 5 contesting the objective but just could'nt clear the marines in cover and were promptly thrown back in assault on turn 6 leaving Ken holding his objective and with me unable to contest anything.
As it went the game could easily have gone the other way if I'd managed to pop the Landraider with two turns of twin-linked Meltagun fire - that failiure really did cost me dearly and it kept troops engaged which could have been better employed against his Vanguard Veterans, the two Redeemer Flamers were just too dangous too not tackle. I probably should of saved the Roughriders as well for the Vanguard Veterans and Khan instead of finishing of the Terminators, I'd of had more chance of dealing with those two with numbers then I did of dealing with the former. I certainly can't fault anything Ken did, he played it flawlessly to my eyes and was an utter gentleman about it. There's always a little bit of antipcation about the game which seals the fate of qualifying or not as it can bring out the worst in a gamer, Ken however was an absolute pleasure to play against. Having won this game however regretfully he did'nt manage to qualify finishing 90th after losing his last game.
Game 6 -
Darren #72 - Space Marines - Pitched Battle, Annilation
I've been on the low tables before for game 6, so it's not unfamiliar territory to me at all - and I can honestly say I love the games that take place here. With both players knowing that they can't qualify it seems to lead to games which are purely about the fun of it with no other motivation. It's lead to situations like when I played an all infantry Space Wolf list a few years ago with Gun Line Guard, I could of sat back and annilated him - I did'nt, I assaulted him instead!
My last game saw me playing against Darren with his Relicator's Scout force, the army was very much a work in progress but it's got a lot of potential for a fine army once the painting is finished with lots of unique conversions and ideas, such as a disturbingly biological Powerfist on one Scout Sergeant and the Legion of the Damned being used to count as Relictors Brethen lost in the warp, their souls drawn to fight for the chapter once more by a Librarian. What followed was the most enojoyable game of the weekend.
Darren's army consisted of three big units of Scouts, two aggressive ones one Snipers with Sergeant Telion, there was also the Librarian with the Legion of the Damned, a Scout Bike a Thunderfire Cannon and Whirlwind.
I deployed a combined infantry squad in the building in my deployment zone, flanked by armour, the rest of my infantry were deployed mostly on the left flank where there was lots of cover, with a smaller force in the center, Valkyrie went into reserve to outflank, the Roughriders just in reserve. He deployed a Thunderfire Cannon, the Sniper Scout Squad Vindicator and Whirlwind, the rest outflanked apart from the Librarian and Legion of the Damned which were to deep strike. Jokingly at the start I told Darren that my aim for the game was to finish with a regular Guard Infantry Squad in his deployment zone - without Air Transport.
The first act of the game saw cluster mines from the Scout Bikers cause some hurt to the combined infantry squad in the building - should of seen it comming, but they held on, then my Infantry advanced on the left while my center held bar one infantry which pushed forward, the Vendetta took out the Thunderfire Cannon the Anti-Tank Squad the Whirlwind and everything else started firing at the Sniper Scouts felling a couple.
My second turn began quickly with my left flank infantry now about half way across the board, the Sniper Scouts went to ground from where I simple could'nt shift them however the Vindicator was popped by the Vendetta.
In Darrens turn the majority of his Scouts on foot showed up, and too a man arrived on the right hand side of the table - where there was nothing, neither cover nore Guardsmen. That would simple become a shooting gallery with a predictable result, so I suggested to him we made a game of it and agreed that they all infact arrived on the left flank where the terrain and guardsmen were both plentiful! Game on. The Scouts quickly ripped through the majority of my infantry with only a single full strength squad and a few survivors left.
Then it was the turn of the (Air) Cavalry, the Valkyrie arrived on the left flank deployed it's Veterans and the Vendetta formed up alongside it also dropping it's Veterans into the fray, the survivors of the infantry meanwhile formed up to take on another Scout Squad and the Demolisher brought it's guns to bear on a unit of Scout Bikers - a lone Guard infantry squad in the center was now 3/4 of the way across the board. The Sniper Scouts remained pinned while my infantry did it's work, one squad was almost wiped out by the Veterans, another badly mauled by the regular infantry and the Demolisher lived upto it's name. I then assaulted with one mauled infantry squad into one of the damaged scout units, with casulaties on both sides resulting in a drawn combat. In his turn the Legion of the Damned arrived stunning and immobiling the Demolisher, while the remaining Scount squad not enaged in combat wiped out one of the Veteran units, in return his other remaining scout squad already locked in combat was finished off with some lucky rolls - they made a line straight for the other squad.
The Roughriders arrived, assaulting and killing one Legionarrie, a couple more felled by guns before being wiped out in return, as the Leman Russ and some remaining unegaged infantry manouvered to get line of sight to them, the remaining Veterans were bolstered by the victorious Infantry Squad meanwhile finished off the Scouts. Finally the infantry squad in the center assaulted the Sniper Scouts dragging their Lascannon behind them. The Legion of the Damned then assaulted the Demolisher finishing it off, while elsewhere combat and movement continued.
My turn saw lots of movement and I aimed to bring mroe guns to bear on the Legion of the Damned, with only a few remaining. I was confident next turn would see their demise however, while combat continued against the Sniper Scouts. Of course now the Librarian used the Gate to move the Legion of the Damned to attack the Valkyrie from behind, it promptly blew up killing the last of the Infantry Squad which had seen the demise of two units of scouts in combat, however in the same turn the Sniper Scouts were finished off, leaving me with an infantry squad (still pulling it's Lascannon along). In my final turn the last of the Legion of the Damned and the Librarian fell leaving the field to the Guard.
And with that fantasticly fun last game (much kudos to Darren!) I failed to qualify on Generalship, my final place was ranked as 124th, however that is'nt quite right as they entered the results for my last game in reverse recording it as a defeat for me, which means in fact it should have been something around 86th rather then Darren as was recorded in the final results sheet (no idea on what my final VPs would have been had they been correctly entered, I'd esimate around 5000VPs though given I tabled or almost tabled two opponents (3000VPs) and averaged I estimate about 500VPs minimum in the other four games.
Except it was'nt quite the end of it.
At lunch on the first day everyone sets out their armies so the judges can view them and for selection of the Best Army nominations, except this year before the first game on day two I was thrilled when they announced my name amongst those selected as one of the 8 nominations. The public vote took place secretly following lunch on the second day with 5 places available for qualification for those who recieved the most votes.
I still did'nt expect to qualify however as I felt that many of the other armies nominated were techniclly more advanced when it came to painting and would thus get more of the vote. However much to my delight I was one of the six nominated who recieved qualification based on the Best Army Public Vote results (I'm assuming as it's only supposed to be five that two must have been drawn in votes), though I've no idea of the rankings other then that Best Army Award went to a brilliant Traitor Guard army. So that means I'll be at this years Throne of Skulls Final in March - it's gonna be Guard, but we'll have to see what the list itself will shape up as yet!
Game 4 -
Colin Tough #84 - Eldar - Dawn of War, Seize Ground
Colin's army on the face of it was'nt the most nasty out there, Eldrad, a unit of Fire Dragons, two units of Warp Spiders, an Avatar, Wraithlord, a Falcon Grav Tank, and 3 units of 3 Jet Bikes - which of course are the objective takers. He deployed just the Avatar with all but the Jet Bikes comming on turn 1, I meanwhile deployed a combined squad in the center, the Anti-Tank Squad and Command Squad with everything every arriving turn 1 apart from the Roughriders.
I admit I felt quite confident at first, believing I could deal with the Avatar, Wraithlord and the Warp Spiders without too much pain, though accepting that the Falcon with Eldrad and Fire Dragons would cause me some hurt - leaving me to deal with the Bikes. I was rather wrong.
A poor decision in deploying the big Infantry Squad lead to them getting assaulted by the Avatar without it having to take a turn of shooting in full few of my firebase with almost inevitable consequences on the left flank. Meanwhile the Warp Spiders with a perfect Warp Jump made cover by the skin of their teeth also denying me vital shots and giving him cover saves against my big guns, I took a few down but nothing like enough. The Falcon and Fire Dragons did'nt prove quite as painful as I'd feared initially, though the Veterans I'd sent in the hope of stopping them paid a high price on my right, Eldrad fustrated me at every turn with Fortune and Doom meanwhile. With the core of my Firebase disintergrating it became a battle for survival more then anything else, and I did manage to not quite get tabled by a whisker, but was powerless to stop the Jet Bikes from taking the majority of the objectives.
Colin made intelligent use of cover and reserves, which when combined with a few good dice at the right time and a bad deployment choice of my part gave him control of the game almost from the second turn onwards resulting in a well deserved win. It goes to show that a sloppy deployment and a bit of overconfidence can really hurt when the pieces fall into place to take advantage of it, definately a lesson worth learning. He went on to finish 29th overal.
Game 5 -
Ken Goodall #58 - Space Marines - Spearhead, Capture & Control
Last year I came up against Khan on a Bike with my Sisters, and there's a player at the club who uses a White Scar Bike army to devastating effect, until this game I've never seen him used on foot, but with the units in the army I knew this was going to be a tough one. As well as Khan Ken's army included a Librarian, a Scout Squad, a Tactucal Squad with a Razorback, a Terminator Assault Squad in a Landraider Redeemer, a Vanguard Veteran Squad in a Razorback and a small Bike unit with a Multi-Melta Attack Bike.
The Scouts and the Tactical Squad deployed, combat squading with one unit in the Razorback the other in cover on his objective, I carefully placed my own objective as far in the center as I could away from the coming outflank move, using a couple of Infantry Squads to disrupt any assault while my firebase held the center, the Roughriders and Valkyrie with it's Veterans doing in reserve the later outflanking.
My first couple of turns were spent tackling his deployed force, but with good cover I caused few casualties though the Razorback was immobilised and weapon destroyed, then the Landraider showed up with the Terminators and Librarian. The Librarian set about the shielding squads while the Landraider pushed forward - in a commedy which was set to last two or three turns the Librarian fluffed his rolls though I was unable to do anything in return also. In the following turn the Bikes arrived on the other flank threatening my Leman Russ with the Khan and Vanguard Veterans in their Razorback in my deployment zone, while the Terminators set about an infantry squad wiping them out in short order but leaving them exposed. The Valkyrie arrived and deployed it's Veterans to deal with the Bikes which is did quite successfully - bar the Attack Bike which was left on one wound, the Vendetta Veterans disembarked and set upon the Landraider stunning it while the rest of the army laid into the Terminators just about bringing them down with the Roughriders finishing the job, these then took up a defensive position around the firebase to shield them from charge while aided by Khan and the Vanguard Veterans the Librarian was saved from the ongoing combats in which he'd done so poorly - but then so had I!
After a turn hiding behind the Landraider - which was still alive thanks to my inability to roll anything but 1's when penetrating it - the Khan, Librarian and Vanguard Veterans now set about my Firebase, crucially with a combat which continued into my turn, the Librarian was brought down as were a couple of the Vanguard but I just did'nt have enough bodies to halt them - they slowly munched their way forward to my objective, which they eventually contested with the Landraider before finally wiping out all my scoring units in that part of the battlefield. Essentially this left my only chance at a win in dropping the Valkyrie borne Veteran Squad onto his objective and clearing it of marines, unfortuantely there were now two squads there, the depleated first combat squad (one marine) and the fresh second one which had disembarked from their Razorback whiel I'd be concentrating on my objective. The Veterans got in place on turn 5 contesting the objective but just could'nt clear the marines in cover and were promptly thrown back in assault on turn 6 leaving Ken holding his objective and with me unable to contest anything.
As it went the game could easily have gone the other way if I'd managed to pop the Landraider with two turns of twin-linked Meltagun fire - that failiure really did cost me dearly and it kept troops engaged which could have been better employed against his Vanguard Veterans, the two Redeemer Flamers were just too dangous too not tackle. I probably should of saved the Roughriders as well for the Vanguard Veterans and Khan instead of finishing of the Terminators, I'd of had more chance of dealing with those two with numbers then I did of dealing with the former. I certainly can't fault anything Ken did, he played it flawlessly to my eyes and was an utter gentleman about it. There's always a little bit of antipcation about the game which seals the fate of qualifying or not as it can bring out the worst in a gamer, Ken however was an absolute pleasure to play against. Having won this game however regretfully he did'nt manage to qualify finishing 90th after losing his last game.
Game 6 -
Darren #72 - Space Marines - Pitched Battle, Annilation
I've been on the low tables before for game 6, so it's not unfamiliar territory to me at all - and I can honestly say I love the games that take place here. With both players knowing that they can't qualify it seems to lead to games which are purely about the fun of it with no other motivation. It's lead to situations like when I played an all infantry Space Wolf list a few years ago with Gun Line Guard, I could of sat back and annilated him - I did'nt, I assaulted him instead!
My last game saw me playing against Darren with his Relicator's Scout force, the army was very much a work in progress but it's got a lot of potential for a fine army once the painting is finished with lots of unique conversions and ideas, such as a disturbingly biological Powerfist on one Scout Sergeant and the Legion of the Damned being used to count as Relictors Brethen lost in the warp, their souls drawn to fight for the chapter once more by a Librarian. What followed was the most enojoyable game of the weekend.
Darren's army consisted of three big units of Scouts, two aggressive ones one Snipers with Sergeant Telion, there was also the Librarian with the Legion of the Damned, a Scout Bike a Thunderfire Cannon and Whirlwind.
I deployed a combined infantry squad in the building in my deployment zone, flanked by armour, the rest of my infantry were deployed mostly on the left flank where there was lots of cover, with a smaller force in the center, Valkyrie went into reserve to outflank, the Roughriders just in reserve. He deployed a Thunderfire Cannon, the Sniper Scout Squad Vindicator and Whirlwind, the rest outflanked apart from the Librarian and Legion of the Damned which were to deep strike. Jokingly at the start I told Darren that my aim for the game was to finish with a regular Guard Infantry Squad in his deployment zone - without Air Transport.
The first act of the game saw cluster mines from the Scout Bikers cause some hurt to the combined infantry squad in the building - should of seen it comming, but they held on, then my Infantry advanced on the left while my center held bar one infantry which pushed forward, the Vendetta took out the Thunderfire Cannon the Anti-Tank Squad the Whirlwind and everything else started firing at the Sniper Scouts felling a couple.
My second turn began quickly with my left flank infantry now about half way across the board, the Sniper Scouts went to ground from where I simple could'nt shift them however the Vindicator was popped by the Vendetta.
In Darrens turn the majority of his Scouts on foot showed up, and too a man arrived on the right hand side of the table - where there was nothing, neither cover nore Guardsmen. That would simple become a shooting gallery with a predictable result, so I suggested to him we made a game of it and agreed that they all infact arrived on the left flank where the terrain and guardsmen were both plentiful! Game on. The Scouts quickly ripped through the majority of my infantry with only a single full strength squad and a few survivors left.
Then it was the turn of the (Air) Cavalry, the Valkyrie arrived on the left flank deployed it's Veterans and the Vendetta formed up alongside it also dropping it's Veterans into the fray, the survivors of the infantry meanwhile formed up to take on another Scout Squad and the Demolisher brought it's guns to bear on a unit of Scout Bikers - a lone Guard infantry squad in the center was now 3/4 of the way across the board. The Sniper Scouts remained pinned while my infantry did it's work, one squad was almost wiped out by the Veterans, another badly mauled by the regular infantry and the Demolisher lived upto it's name. I then assaulted with one mauled infantry squad into one of the damaged scout units, with casulaties on both sides resulting in a drawn combat. In his turn the Legion of the Damned arrived stunning and immobiling the Demolisher, while the remaining Scount squad not enaged in combat wiped out one of the Veteran units, in return his other remaining scout squad already locked in combat was finished off with some lucky rolls - they made a line straight for the other squad.
The Roughriders arrived, assaulting and killing one Legionarrie, a couple more felled by guns before being wiped out in return, as the Leman Russ and some remaining unegaged infantry manouvered to get line of sight to them, the remaining Veterans were bolstered by the victorious Infantry Squad meanwhile finished off the Scouts. Finally the infantry squad in the center assaulted the Sniper Scouts dragging their Lascannon behind them. The Legion of the Damned then assaulted the Demolisher finishing it off, while elsewhere combat and movement continued.
My turn saw lots of movement and I aimed to bring mroe guns to bear on the Legion of the Damned, with only a few remaining. I was confident next turn would see their demise however, while combat continued against the Sniper Scouts. Of course now the Librarian used the Gate to move the Legion of the Damned to attack the Valkyrie from behind, it promptly blew up killing the last of the Infantry Squad which had seen the demise of two units of scouts in combat, however in the same turn the Sniper Scouts were finished off, leaving me with an infantry squad (still pulling it's Lascannon along). In my final turn the last of the Legion of the Damned and the Librarian fell leaving the field to the Guard.
And with that fantasticly fun last game (much kudos to Darren!) I failed to qualify on Generalship, my final place was ranked as 124th, however that is'nt quite right as they entered the results for my last game in reverse recording it as a defeat for me, which means in fact it should have been something around 86th rather then Darren as was recorded in the final results sheet (no idea on what my final VPs would have been had they been correctly entered, I'd esimate around 5000VPs though given I tabled or almost tabled two opponents (3000VPs) and averaged I estimate about 500VPs minimum in the other four games.
Except it was'nt quite the end of it.
At lunch on the first day everyone sets out their armies so the judges can view them and for selection of the Best Army nominations, except this year before the first game on day two I was thrilled when they announced my name amongst those selected as one of the 8 nominations. The public vote took place secretly following lunch on the second day with 5 places available for qualification for those who recieved the most votes.
I still did'nt expect to qualify however as I felt that many of the other armies nominated were techniclly more advanced when it came to painting and would thus get more of the vote. However much to my delight I was one of the six nominated who recieved qualification based on the Best Army Public Vote results (I'm assuming as it's only supposed to be five that two must have been drawn in votes), though I've no idea of the rankings other then that Best Army Award went to a brilliant Traitor Guard army. So that means I'll be at this years Throne of Skulls Final in March - it's gonna be Guard, but we'll have to see what the list itself will shape up as yet!

Saturday, 5 December 2009
Rumours - Incomming! New Imperial Guard Artillery
GW have sent out an email regarding the new Battle Mission's book, these are the missions which were rumour a while ago to be released as a book, then were due to appear in White Dwarf and now it appears are back in their own book, they'll mostly feature race specific missions, definately one to look forward too.
However the bit which is really interesting is the note that additional releases will be timed around this, which I quote include "new sets for Space Marines, Orks and the Imperial Guard released alongside Battle Missions in March."
What sets you may ask, well the picture attached is fairly revealing - look at that Basilisk, it's the new Chimera chasis which to me equals only one thing - the new artillery kit is on it's way.
However the bit which is really interesting is the note that additional releases will be timed around this, which I quote include "new sets for Space Marines, Orks and the Imperial Guard released alongside Battle Missions in March."
What sets you may ask, well the picture attached is fairly revealing - look at that Basilisk, it's the new Chimera chasis which to me equals only one thing - the new artillery kit is on it's way.

Imperial Guard,
Friday, 4 December 2009
Tournament Report - UK GT 2009 Heat 3 (Part 1)
For this years 40k Throne of Skulls Tournament the Exeter Inquisition fielded a team of 11 players including myself, we headed up on the Friday morning, getting in a few games at Warhammer World (before invading Bugman's - sorry if anyone wanted a 'quiet' drink that evening!).
This year I fielded the Praetorian's, after taking a break last year with my Sisters of Battle, the list I ended up taking was'nt my first choice, I'd hoped to include Pyskers having played around with these quite a bit in my earlier games, however this was the best I felt I could put together at the time, it was as follows;
Company Command Squad inc. Autocannon, Company Standard @75pts
Platoon Command Squad inc. 2 Flamers @40pts
Infantry Squad inc. Lascannon, Plasma Gun @85pts
Infantry Squad inc. Lascannon, Plasma Gun @85pts
Infantry Squad inc. Lascannon, Plasma Gun @85pts
Infantry Squad inc. Autocannon, Plasma Gun @75pts
Infantry Squad inc. Autocannon, Grenade Launcher @65pts
Heavy Weapons Squad inc. 3 Lascannon @105pts
Veteran Squad inc. 3 Meltaguns @100pts
Veteran Squad inc. 3 Meltaguns @100pts
Valkyrie inc. Multilaser, Multiple Rocket Pods @130pts
Vendetta inc. 3x Twin-Linked Lascannon @130pts
Roughriders inc. 6 Roughriders @65pts
Leman Russ inc. Hull Heavy Bolter, Sponson Heavy Bolters @170pts
Leman Russ Demolisher inc. Hull Heavy Bolter, Sponson Heavy Bolters @185pts
Total - 1500pts
Game 1 -
Robert Etheringson #35 - Eldar - Spearhead, Sieze Ground
Rob was fielding a very mixed Eldar army, it included an Autuch, Farseer, Banshee's in a Wave Serpeant, Dark Reapers, Dire Avengers, two units of Guardians, Rangers, Swooping Hawks, a Wraithlord and a Fire Prism.
Three objectives were rolled up and were placed in a rough triangle in the center of the board, I then won the roll off and elected to go first.
I formed a sizeable Infantry Firebase holding one objective spearheaded by the Demolisher with the Vendetta on one flank and the Valkyrie on the other, with the Russ to the rear and the Roughriders in reserve. Rob's quarter was quite sparse in terms of cover, the Guardians, Dire Avengers and Wraithlord deployed mid table, with a clear intent on supporting a push on one objective, to my right in some woodland, the vehicles behind this and the Reapers with the Farseer at the very rear, the Swooping Hawks with the Autuch went in reserve while the Rangers infiltrated onto the objective in the woods on my right.
With my Scout move the Vendetta moved to draw line of sight to the Eldar tanks while the Valkyrie turbo boosted 12" away from the Fire Prism ready to disgorge one of the Veteran units - which it did as Rob failed to take the iniative. The Valk then targetted and with support of much of my center routed the Guardians while the Vendetta imobilised the Wave Serpeant, I did turn a significant portion of firepower at the Rangers also but this proved ineffective. In his turn the Veteran Squad was wiped out, while what remained of his force advanced with the exception of the Dark Reapers and Rangers. Without their transports and lacking much in the way of cover the majority of the Eldar Infantry fell over the next couple of turns in what was basicly a shooting gallery as my firebase stood it's ground with little loss, the Swooping Hawks eventually arrived but scattered off, the result was I was able to place them away from my firebase giving me a couple of turns with which to tackle them. At the end of the game I held two of the three objectives, he had left an immobilised and weaponless Wave Serpeant the Dark Reapers and the Farseer.
Rob went on unfortunately to finish up in last place with no win's over the weekend, while I'm no Eldar player I fear much of that was probably down to his list which did'nt seem to have a little of everything, but not enough of anything.
Game 2 -
Davide Bowanno #50 - Chaos Space Marines - Pitched Battle, Annilation
Davide's list was nasty, and as my first Italian opponent I was I'm slightly ashamed to say a little cautious as their teams do have something of an unfortunate reputation which I need'nt expand upon except to say I did'nt encounter it. Davide was an absolute model opponent, an excellent sportsman and indeed gamer, the game that followed was very enjoyable. His list included two Windged Daemon Princes with Lash of Submission, a unit of Plague Marines and one of Berserkers both in Rhino's, 8 Terminators, and two units of Obliterators one of 3 models, one of 2.
Winning the roll off I elected to deploy everything bar the Roughriders in the hope that maximum resistance would offset my disadvanatge in Kill Points available to my opponent, further I elected to deploy largely without comining squads, my logic being with two Lash Princes any such units would become a prime target, instead I deployed in a clump with my more expendable units to the fore to prevent more important units being dragged forwards easily. I still think this was a sound decision though the game really did'nt play my way.
Initially I hoped to use one Squad of Veterans to knock out one of the Daemon Princes, instead they left it standing on one wound and as I'd expected were quickly knocked out in return. There on in each round of shooting caused damage, but always by not quite enough for the desired results. The Princes managed to between them to double team one side of my line, though the initially wounded one was killed, my opponent meanwhile played intelligently only exposing his forces to the an absolute minimum (for example his Berserkers, transportless, knocked out a Veteran Squad before retiring into good cover denying me the chance to ring sufficient firepower to bare. The Terminator Squad pinned the Leman Russ to one corner while the Roughriders were sent packing when they were caught in the destruction of the Demolisher, the timely arrival of the Obliterators Deep Striking from reserve sealed my fate. At the end of the day this mission was an uphill struggle for me given the opponent, a bit more luck with the dice might have seen things turn out differently but as I mentioned Davide was an excellent opponent and played the mission flawlessly - and that is a compliment in this case, I'd expect nothing less in this sort of enviroment.
It's no surprise to me given the list and Davide's generalship that he went on too finish 2nd Overal in the Tournament, only losing out on 1st place by Victory Points, I'd play him again any time I got the chance though!
Game 3 -
Lorzeno Millella #19 - Space Marines - Dawn of War, Capture & Control
Lorenzo, another of the Italian contingent also had something which to me was a daunting prospect, 3 full size Space Marine Tactical Squads two broken down to combat squads, a Thundefire Cannon, a Scout Squad in a Landspeeder Storm and a big Terminator Assault Squad with a Terminator Librarian and Shrike - so yes the later all out flanked!
My game plan was simple, hold my own objective tooth and nail against the expected Terminators and use the Valkyrie and Vendetta born Squads to contest my opponents. I deployed a 3 squad unit on the objective aong with the Anti-Tank Squad and Command Squad, everything else comming on turn 1.
I made two critical mistakes however, the Valkyrie really should have gone into normal reserve and out flanked to make the contest rather then going for maximum resistance, and I really should'nt of under estimated the Thunderfire Cannon - though in my defence for the later at least I've never looked at what it's capable of before. My infantry held up well initially, despite bombardment from the Thunderfire despite losing a whopping 20 Guardsmen in one turn of shooting and I was able to knock out the Tactical Squads for the most part which wer'nt on his objective. However I really did'nt appreciate how quickly it was eating up my manpower. The the the Terminators and Scouts showed up and I was perhaps at half strength. Massing my firepower I was able to deal with the majority of the Terminators and the Librarian with the help of the Roughriders who showed up at just the right time, however Shrike passed everyone of his Invulnables despite directing a good portion of the squad at him. The scouts then set about my Guardsmen supported by what remained of the Terminators and Shrike, ripping them apart in short order leaving me with only a few remanents of Infantry and the Russ.
Unable to contest his objective with both Valk and Vendetta knocked out, I was left scrabling to retake my own. On turn 6 I was finally able to take out the last Terminator who was sitting on my objective with the Leman Russes Heavy Bolters, leaving a previously routed Veteran Squad able to make it onto my objective by about half an inch to spare, it really was a draw by the skin of my teeth as he had elected not to walk the Veterans off the table to avoid a dangerous terrain test for crossing the wreck of the Valkyrie.
I believe Lorzeno went on to finish 112th, in honesty I'm quite surprised he was'nt higher up the table as he was a good player with a solid if not killer list.
This year I fielded the Praetorian's, after taking a break last year with my Sisters of Battle, the list I ended up taking was'nt my first choice, I'd hoped to include Pyskers having played around with these quite a bit in my earlier games, however this was the best I felt I could put together at the time, it was as follows;
Company Command Squad inc. Autocannon, Company Standard @75pts
Platoon Command Squad inc. 2 Flamers @40pts
Infantry Squad inc. Lascannon, Plasma Gun @85pts
Infantry Squad inc. Lascannon, Plasma Gun @85pts
Infantry Squad inc. Lascannon, Plasma Gun @85pts
Infantry Squad inc. Autocannon, Plasma Gun @75pts
Infantry Squad inc. Autocannon, Grenade Launcher @65pts
Heavy Weapons Squad inc. 3 Lascannon @105pts
Veteran Squad inc. 3 Meltaguns @100pts
Veteran Squad inc. 3 Meltaguns @100pts
Valkyrie inc. Multilaser, Multiple Rocket Pods @130pts
Vendetta inc. 3x Twin-Linked Lascannon @130pts
Roughriders inc. 6 Roughriders @65pts
Leman Russ inc. Hull Heavy Bolter, Sponson Heavy Bolters @170pts
Leman Russ Demolisher inc. Hull Heavy Bolter, Sponson Heavy Bolters @185pts
Total - 1500pts
Game 1 -
Robert Etheringson #35 - Eldar - Spearhead, Sieze Ground
Rob was fielding a very mixed Eldar army, it included an Autuch, Farseer, Banshee's in a Wave Serpeant, Dark Reapers, Dire Avengers, two units of Guardians, Rangers, Swooping Hawks, a Wraithlord and a Fire Prism.
Three objectives were rolled up and were placed in a rough triangle in the center of the board, I then won the roll off and elected to go first.
I formed a sizeable Infantry Firebase holding one objective spearheaded by the Demolisher with the Vendetta on one flank and the Valkyrie on the other, with the Russ to the rear and the Roughriders in reserve. Rob's quarter was quite sparse in terms of cover, the Guardians, Dire Avengers and Wraithlord deployed mid table, with a clear intent on supporting a push on one objective, to my right in some woodland, the vehicles behind this and the Reapers with the Farseer at the very rear, the Swooping Hawks with the Autuch went in reserve while the Rangers infiltrated onto the objective in the woods on my right.
With my Scout move the Vendetta moved to draw line of sight to the Eldar tanks while the Valkyrie turbo boosted 12" away from the Fire Prism ready to disgorge one of the Veteran units - which it did as Rob failed to take the iniative. The Valk then targetted and with support of much of my center routed the Guardians while the Vendetta imobilised the Wave Serpeant, I did turn a significant portion of firepower at the Rangers also but this proved ineffective. In his turn the Veteran Squad was wiped out, while what remained of his force advanced with the exception of the Dark Reapers and Rangers. Without their transports and lacking much in the way of cover the majority of the Eldar Infantry fell over the next couple of turns in what was basicly a shooting gallery as my firebase stood it's ground with little loss, the Swooping Hawks eventually arrived but scattered off, the result was I was able to place them away from my firebase giving me a couple of turns with which to tackle them. At the end of the game I held two of the three objectives, he had left an immobilised and weaponless Wave Serpeant the Dark Reapers and the Farseer.
Rob went on unfortunately to finish up in last place with no win's over the weekend, while I'm no Eldar player I fear much of that was probably down to his list which did'nt seem to have a little of everything, but not enough of anything.
Game 2 -
Davide Bowanno #50 - Chaos Space Marines - Pitched Battle, Annilation
Davide's list was nasty, and as my first Italian opponent I was I'm slightly ashamed to say a little cautious as their teams do have something of an unfortunate reputation which I need'nt expand upon except to say I did'nt encounter it. Davide was an absolute model opponent, an excellent sportsman and indeed gamer, the game that followed was very enjoyable. His list included two Windged Daemon Princes with Lash of Submission, a unit of Plague Marines and one of Berserkers both in Rhino's, 8 Terminators, and two units of Obliterators one of 3 models, one of 2.
Winning the roll off I elected to deploy everything bar the Roughriders in the hope that maximum resistance would offset my disadvanatge in Kill Points available to my opponent, further I elected to deploy largely without comining squads, my logic being with two Lash Princes any such units would become a prime target, instead I deployed in a clump with my more expendable units to the fore to prevent more important units being dragged forwards easily. I still think this was a sound decision though the game really did'nt play my way.
Initially I hoped to use one Squad of Veterans to knock out one of the Daemon Princes, instead they left it standing on one wound and as I'd expected were quickly knocked out in return. There on in each round of shooting caused damage, but always by not quite enough for the desired results. The Princes managed to between them to double team one side of my line, though the initially wounded one was killed, my opponent meanwhile played intelligently only exposing his forces to the an absolute minimum (for example his Berserkers, transportless, knocked out a Veteran Squad before retiring into good cover denying me the chance to ring sufficient firepower to bare. The Terminator Squad pinned the Leman Russ to one corner while the Roughriders were sent packing when they were caught in the destruction of the Demolisher, the timely arrival of the Obliterators Deep Striking from reserve sealed my fate. At the end of the day this mission was an uphill struggle for me given the opponent, a bit more luck with the dice might have seen things turn out differently but as I mentioned Davide was an excellent opponent and played the mission flawlessly - and that is a compliment in this case, I'd expect nothing less in this sort of enviroment.
It's no surprise to me given the list and Davide's generalship that he went on too finish 2nd Overal in the Tournament, only losing out on 1st place by Victory Points, I'd play him again any time I got the chance though!
Game 3 -
Lorzeno Millella #19 - Space Marines - Dawn of War, Capture & Control
Lorenzo, another of the Italian contingent also had something which to me was a daunting prospect, 3 full size Space Marine Tactical Squads two broken down to combat squads, a Thundefire Cannon, a Scout Squad in a Landspeeder Storm and a big Terminator Assault Squad with a Terminator Librarian and Shrike - so yes the later all out flanked!
My game plan was simple, hold my own objective tooth and nail against the expected Terminators and use the Valkyrie and Vendetta born Squads to contest my opponents. I deployed a 3 squad unit on the objective aong with the Anti-Tank Squad and Command Squad, everything else comming on turn 1.
I made two critical mistakes however, the Valkyrie really should have gone into normal reserve and out flanked to make the contest rather then going for maximum resistance, and I really should'nt of under estimated the Thunderfire Cannon - though in my defence for the later at least I've never looked at what it's capable of before. My infantry held up well initially, despite bombardment from the Thunderfire despite losing a whopping 20 Guardsmen in one turn of shooting and I was able to knock out the Tactical Squads for the most part which wer'nt on his objective. However I really did'nt appreciate how quickly it was eating up my manpower. The the the Terminators and Scouts showed up and I was perhaps at half strength. Massing my firepower I was able to deal with the majority of the Terminators and the Librarian with the help of the Roughriders who showed up at just the right time, however Shrike passed everyone of his Invulnables despite directing a good portion of the squad at him. The scouts then set about my Guardsmen supported by what remained of the Terminators and Shrike, ripping them apart in short order leaving me with only a few remanents of Infantry and the Russ.
Unable to contest his objective with both Valk and Vendetta knocked out, I was left scrabling to retake my own. On turn 6 I was finally able to take out the last Terminator who was sitting on my objective with the Leman Russes Heavy Bolters, leaving a previously routed Veteran Squad able to make it onto my objective by about half an inch to spare, it really was a draw by the skin of my teeth as he had elected not to walk the Veterans off the table to avoid a dangerous terrain test for crossing the wreck of the Valkyrie.
I believe Lorzeno went on to finish 112th, in honesty I'm quite surprised he was'nt higher up the table as he was a good player with a solid if not killer list.
Imperial Navy Valkyrie & Vendetta (Part 4)
Well the terrible truth is I never did get my Valkyrie finished for the GT, let alone the Vendetta(!), the Valkyrie is very nearly there though, this is it in it's current state, with a picture taken at the UK GT by Mars who posts on the Warhammer Forum and Heresy Online.

There's a little bit of paint rubbed off from the nose on the near side in the course of transporting it too Nottingham, but otherwise it's very nearly there, the underside of the wings need varnishing and some decals need adding to the top of the wings - possibly also some nose art, I'm as yet undecided on that subject!

There's a little bit of paint rubbed off from the nose on the near side in the course of transporting it too Nottingham, but otherwise it's very nearly there, the underside of the wings need varnishing and some decals need adding to the top of the wings - possibly also some nose art, I'm as yet undecided on that subject!
Imperial Navy,
Praetorian Imperial Guard
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Hobby Fund (1st December)
Well November was damn quiet on the blog front as I found myself snowed under getting my Grand Tournament list ready in time (more on this soon) - added to which I've been house hunting for a place to rent, just awaiting references and I'll be on the move.
The hobby fund saw very little activity, a couple of minor sales and one purchase for my WFB Chaos Army which thanks to the first of the vouchers I recieved following success at the Dice & Dagger tourny came to a staggering £1.15 - I suspect that things wont change much in the coming month either as I've once again got my hands full needing to finish the Praetorian Ogryns and of course with Christmas just around the corner. The New Year will see the Hobby Fund reach the grand old age of 1 year and a resurgence in it - hopefully.
The hobby fund saw very little activity, a couple of minor sales and one purchase for my WFB Chaos Army which thanks to the first of the vouchers I recieved following success at the Dice & Dagger tourny came to a staggering £1.15 - I suspect that things wont change much in the coming month either as I've once again got my hands full needing to finish the Praetorian Ogryns and of course with Christmas just around the corner. The New Year will see the Hobby Fund reach the grand old age of 1 year and a resurgence in it - hopefully.
- Starting Balance 1st November = £106.15
- Sales in November = £13.00
- Sales Fee's in November = -£0.59
- Purchases in November = -£1.15
- Misc Income/Outgoings = £0.00
- Reaver Fund Repayment = £0.00
- Balance 1st December = £117.41
- Reaver Fund Outstanding = £325.00
Hobby Fund
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