Well I'm actually kinda of ashamed to say I've done nothing with the hobby fund over the past month, nothing has been sold - though as a silver lining I've not bought anything either!
- Starting Balance 1st June (Previous Sales) = £5.33
- Sales in June = £0.00
- Sales Fee's in June = £0.00
- Purchases in June = £0.00
- Misc Income/Outgoings = £0.00
- Balance 1st July = £5.33
The reason for this inactivity has simply been I've been rather busy(!), but I'm getting off my arse now and getting on with it again, with another push on sales for this month, I've just updated my
For Sale Thread on Warseer with amongst other things my WFB Orc and Goblin army, something which never really got going perhaps two years ago now, though I am getting back into WFB now with a Mounted Chaos Warrior army, which I've traded for.
As it's now half way through the year (scary huh?) I thought I'd also have a quick run down of how my '
New Years Hobby Resolutions' have been going which I set myself back in December!
1 -
No New ArmiesI've not added to the number of armies I own, though as I mentioned earlier my WFB armies have been swapped, success! Be it an easy one.
2 -
Finish What I've StartedI don't think I can really claim much success here, as many of the projects I mentioned originally noteably the Leviathan and Warhound are yet finished, though on the other hand I hav'nt started any other new and big things either, only things which form part of my normal army in lieu of the new codex.
3 -
Painting PracticeAgain I cant claim much success, though I have had a little, I was especially pleased with the result of my
Imperial Thunderbolt Pilot, I've my eye on a few other models just for the pleasure of painting, and indeed trying new things.
4 -
BlogMy aim was too make a couple of post's a week, and I've largely succeaded in this, there have been dry spells when time just has'nt allowed me to post anything, at the end of June and during my holiday to the US in April. The rest of the time has seen me making that aim and even surpassing it with the post count up significantly on previous years, success!
5 -
TerrainNothing to report here at all, I've spent no time working on terrain, though I'd still love too. I can't see any time being free to work on this for the time being though, with the GT run up all thoughts are on this. Still 6 months is a long time.
Overal I'm easily meeting two of my goals, while the other three are still at worst within reach, I'm happy with that! Did anyone else make New Years Hobby Resolutions, how are yours going?