Saturday 14 June 2014

Flash Gitz - First Look

Still no new codex for the Orks, but the Flash Gitz have arrived! The perks of running a game shop mean I got my very early this morning, and just wanted to share a couple of pictures of mine in the early build stage.
When I first saw the models I thought they looked a bit too much, but then I suppose they are Orks, and Flash Gitz of course. Although the poses are very similar, the sprue has plenty of options on, and I think it would be easy to create a squad of 10 unique looking models.

They've still got a lot of work until I'm happy enough to give them an undercoat, plenty of mold lines to remove, and small details to add (gun straps and shell casings)! The guns are so huge and detailed that I will be painting them seperately but I've added nearly everything else. Tomorrow I'll finish the build and will be then will start paitning.

We're also running a fab deal of the week with Ork Reinforcements are now available for Pre-Order from Kirton Games! Pre-Order 3 Ork Big Gunz with our Pre-Order Deal and we'll give you the Ork Big Mek absolutely FREE! And don't forget about our FREE UK Shipping!

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