Hello all, just wanted to share some of my orky constructions. I love the convertibility of the orks, and over the years I've seen some pretty outlandish ones. Below is a collection of the more subtle ones from my collection.
I love the Zagstruk model, and will eventually want to have a full unit of stormboyz. I'm really pleased with this subtle conversion. A simple repose and the additional of the smoke really makes him stand out, especially as he's essentially floating above his base. I'll be doing a tutorial on the smoke effect in a future post.
Grot Flyer (deffkopta)
This guy is built entirely from ork dakkjet bits. I really love the expression on the grots face, he's in a full blown dive bomb!
Ork Big Mek
I've used this guy as various proxies, from an ork biker warboss, to a big mek with kustom force field. He was built almost entirely from the Colonels extensive guard bitz box.
Hope you like these, I'll be sharing some more soon, in the mean time would love to see some of yours orky creations! If GW don't grant my wishes and bring out a plastic boar boyz kit, then I'll be sharing my Ork boar boyz converions in future posts.
Happy converting!
I love the Zagstruk model, and will eventually want to have a full unit of stormboyz. I'm really pleased with this subtle conversion. A simple repose and the additional of the smoke really makes him stand out, especially as he's essentially floating above his base. I'll be doing a tutorial on the smoke effect in a future post.
Grot Flyer (deffkopta)
This guy is built entirely from ork dakkjet bits. I really love the expression on the grots face, he's in a full blown dive bomb!
Ork Big Mek
I've used this guy as various proxies, from an ork biker warboss, to a big mek with kustom force field. He was built almost entirely from the Colonels extensive guard bitz box.
Hope you like these, I'll be sharing some more soon, in the mean time would love to see some of yours orky creations! If GW don't grant my wishes and bring out a plastic boar boyz kit, then I'll be sharing my Ork boar boyz converions in future posts.
Happy converting!