It's another one of those 'sorry about the lack of hobby content' type post's.
The past month or so has been quite hectic all in all, first off I was rushing around trying to get everything ready for the 40k Team Challenge held by Maelstrom Games, an excellent event and venue I'll be sure to be posting more about in the near future. I've been getting back in the swing of studying as I start my History degree, sculpting whenever I get the chance with projects for Secret Weapon Miniatures and Alternative Armies. AS you've probably noticed I've done a little work on the blog layout and trying to organise all the old posts and pictures into something more, well, organised, working more then a few extra hours and got engaged to finish it all off (so now theres a wedding to plan as well!).
Busy times.
Still I've got a few post's lined up to be written, actual hobby content again, normal service resuming shortly!